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 Reach more BUYERS with your Social Media without the pain of posting everyday!
 Discover why my Social media account with 9,200 followers regularly gets me sales of $25K+, while my account on the same platform with 127,756 followers barely makes $100!
(… and how you could get the same results too!)
I have 2 social media accounts on Facebook.

One of them has 9.2K followers and is verified (Facebook offered me the verification without me asking), and makes me 6 figures a month.

The other has 127K followers never makes sales and has never been contacted for verification.

Below is a screenshot of them both!

I’ve been enjoying the income from the “Good” social media account with only 9.2K followers for a few years now…

… while the “other” one I Basically ignore.

Then again, considering the “Good” one gets me sales like this…..
… Wouldn’t you ignore the “other” one too?

What I’m about to share is going to freak you out though…

… because I used the SAME Social Media Blueprint on BOTH Of them! 

But one of them is significantly better than the other.

So BOTH had the Same Social Media Blueprint System Used on them.

One grew YUGE!!!

The other… not so much.

Yet the small one bought my Maserati for me.

Bought my new investment property in Tennessee 

I Live in Texas and wanted to diversify… 

(Tennessee is my new top tip for investment btw)

… While the large one collects dust… and is a Reminder of what NOT to do.

which was this…

I paid for likes.


No fake ones.

Real people, but still.

I figured if I paid someone to share the page it would increase the followers and increase the sales.


You see the Facebook algorithm is SMART!

It bases the value on your page based on the PERCENTAGE of followers that interact with your posts.

In short… if you have less followers… 

you will always have a higher percentage of them interact with your posts.

This will always lead to a better ranking on facebook.

and EVERY social media site does something similar.

So Rule Number 1 of the SMART Social Media Blueprint…

is don’t buy random likes.

However, the page that I didn’t buy random likes for… is crushing it.

Lots of interactivity.

Lots of Targeted conversations with potential clients.

and LOTS of Sales.

This isn’t the first time I’ve built a successful social media account that makes sales either.

Back in 2017 I built a Youtube channel with 51K followers, that helped me get one of these…
I’ve never shared my SMART social media blueprint before.

But I figured I’d see if there were a few entrepreneurs that want to try and learn this blueprint for themselves.

Inside the SMART Social Media Blueprint you will find many templates and examples you can use to get results like this for yourself.

I'm only looking for a handful of people that I can show:
  • How to build a small targeted social media following 
  • Eager to support your social media posts
  • Hungry to consume the products and programs you sell
Without the PAIN of making new social media content…. EVERY… SINGLE… DAY!

I mean honestly, do you want 1,000,000 followers who argue with you and hate on what you post?

or 500 that REALLY get you and happily spend to get the value they KNOW you bring?

By the way… the NUMBER 1 reason entrepreneurs fail to get results selling on social media is that they are so focused on getting a following… they forget to find the RIGHT following!

I guarantee that when you see this you’ll see a whole bunch of times you got this wrong…

… possibly due to listening to some bodies “Get famous quick” scheme.

(Top tip… STAYING SMALL and RELEVANT is very important… Entrepreneurs often forget this one and get caught up trying to get BIG and end up HURTING their Sales. The SMART Social Media Blueprint explains how to never make that mistake again.

and you get sooo much more.

Now...if I were you...

I'd imagine you've gotta bunch of questions about how you get your hands on the SMART Social Media Blueprint and what the price is etc.

At the risk of writing a novel

I'm going to answer some questions I'm sure you have below.

*****Do I need to have a business?
You don't. 

Having one will 100% help you generate income faster.

But even without a business, in our current age you can build an audience and monetize it later!
*****Will I need to become some kind of influencer douchebag?
I HOPE not!

I’ve had a following for the better pat of 15 years, yet I’ve never had to sacrifice my morals, be overly “Salesy” or do anything else that didn’t feel like me.
*****Is it hard to do?
Not only is it something you can do in just a few hours a month, it’s something you can even outsource most of it to others!

I’ll explain more about that inside the SMART Social Media Blueprint.
*****Will my friends make fun of me?
Not if you follow the Blueprint correctly!

You don’t need to do weird dances, have fake names or dress up in costume.

I’m not saying you CAN’T do those things.

Only that you don’t have to.

The key is to be YOU.

Just with a frame work for sales and growth from social media.
*****Can I afford this?
I literally spent more money on a dinner for my Fiancee and I yesterday (to celebrate a $50,000 sale we made from our social media following) than the cost of this program.

It’s affordable… and better yet…it works!
*****How long will it take?      
The program will be completed in a few fun and entertaining yet valuable hours… 

… and as I mentioned above, should take no more than a few hours a month to execute.
***** Is there a guarantee?

I call it my Dominoes Guarantee!
If you attend the program and HATE it.

Then you can have a full refund… and I’ll buy you your choice of pizza from Dominoes as an apology.

I suspect however, you’ll be buying me pizza… to say thanks for an AMAZING program that will change your life forever…

… in the same way it changed mine!
****Are there any bonuses?
You bet!

1 big one!

The first is The Social Media Sales System

A simple system to make sales from any social media following.

This is a GREAT way to build an income off your newly found social media fans.
It’s a live 2 - 3 hour training happening on Saturday May 21st 2022 at 11 am Central Time.

You attend virtually via ZOOm

And by the end you’ll find building a business from social media is easier than you thought.
****How much is it ?
Costly if you don’t get it!


I’m not kidding… 

… how often do you currently get a check for $25,000?

(None of that is owed to anyone else by the way, no ad company, no referral fee. That’s for my family and the people I care about.)

Everyday that goes by, could be ANOTHER day you don’t make revenue from your social media following.

If you only made $100 a day.

That’s $36,500 a year.

Surely that’s worth spending just:


To gain the SMART Social Media System for yourself?
****How do I get access
There are only limited seats so it HAS to be first come first served.

Having said that if you’re seeing this page you’re good for now.

Just put your information below to purchase your ticket. 

Once you do, you will be emailed the zoom information for this live challenge on May 21 at 11am CT

Adam Lyons
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